Benefits For Students

The Mock Trial Competition helps students master state content standards for history and social science and to understand both the principles and processes of our legal system. 

Students work closely with attorney coaches and receive feedback from actual judges and attorneys.

Participants increase basic skills, public speaking, analytical ability, and self-confidence.

Team members cooperate and bond with students of various cultures and interests.

Benefits For Schools

  • Provide a hands-on experience outside the classroom from which students can learn about civics and the law, society, and themselves.
  • Promote cooperation and healthy academic competition among students of varying abilities and interests.
  • Showcase the achievements of young people to the community.
  • Provide a challenging and rewarding experience for teachers.


“I want to go to law school”

“I started mock trial my Freshmen year and I fell in love with this program. I am now a senior and want to go to law school.”

12th grade student

“Entire school was excited”

“Our school is very small, less than 100 students. This was the first year we participated in the competition. We had a great time. The entire school was excited for the team. We were always at full capacity for spectators in the courtroom, and even had to turn away guests for some rounds. We are looking forward to next year!” 

High School Teacher

“Stronger bonds and relationships”

“It shows the hard work and commitment of a team. I created stronger bonds and relationships with people.”

10th grade student

“Courage, confidence, and dedication”

“Giving back in this way is very meaningful to me on a personal level…These high school students impress me with their courage, confidence, and dedication….To me, the greatest gift we can give the next generation is the ability to use their voices in a respectful, intelligent and effective way.”

Volunteer Attorney Coach