Attorney Scorer
Competition scorers must be an attorney who volunteers to evaluate student and team performance and score individual rounds of the Mock Trial Competition.

In order to have a fair competition, the San Diego County High School Mock Trial Committee recruits hundreds of Attorney Scorers to volunteer to evaluate the performances of teams across four rounds of competition. Attorney Scorers are provided guidelines and scoring criteria, which includes the quality of the students’ presentations, their grasp of the law and court procedures, and their understanding of the case.
Please note: You must be a practicing or retired attorney to volunteer as an attorney scorer.
Attorney Scorers must review the case materials, competition rules and guidelines, and competition procedures. They are also asked to attend a one-hour virtual orientation in preparation. Attorneys may volunteer to score as many rounds as they like and each competition round is expected to last no more than three hours.
In order to avoid a conflict of interest (or appearance of one), attorneys who have a child or grandchild participating in this year’s competition may not serve as an Attorney Scorer. In addition, if an attorney volunteers to judge, score, or advise during practices or scrimmages for a San Diego County high school team or teams during the competition season, they are ineligible to serve as an Attorney Scorer.